2023 Predictions

I can’t believe we’re already halfway through January! First let me apologize for the delay with the blog, I feel like in one moment it was New Year’s Eve, and the next we’re here. I honestly didn’t even realize two weeks had passed without me posting here. As we all know by now, there has been a ton of off-season movement, with the biggest story focusing on Simon Lizotte and his departure from Discmania. So, for my first blog back I am going to share with you my eight-paragraph essay on where and why Simon is moving.

Just kidding, there’s more than enough opinions on that matter already. What I WILL do is give some of my thoughts and predictions for the coming year. Let me preface this with the fact that all my thoughts and predictions are my own and are based on nothing but my own interpretation and conjecture. Should any of these things come true, just know that it’s completely random and lucky.

Let’s get back to Simon. As I’m writing this piece, MVP is set to make a ‘huge announcement’ today January 12, 2023. That announcement hasn’t been made yet, so here is my prediction: Simon will retire from the Pro Tour this year. He’ll still play disc golf and enter tournaments here and there, but no more full-time touring. He’s a new father, he’s been in the game for ages (even though he’s still so young), and his passion for the game has been waning, while at the same time he has expressed more interest in pool and darts. He’s had a complete and fulfilling career in the game, and I think he’s ready to move on to other things. Don’t be surprised if you see Simon more in the booth than on the course in the next year or so.

Next, without any data whatsoever, I will predict that Lone Star Discs will break into the top five brands in 2023. In late 2022 Lone Star made a huge push to add many big names to their roster including just about every pro in Texas, plus the always controversial Nikko Locastro. This move has already put them on the disc golf map, and this lineup should translate well into sales. In addition, I think we’ll see at least one MPO and FPO Lone Star player take down a pro tour event this year. I expect big things from this company in 2023.

Ok what else can I throw out there? Let’s talk Kona Montgomery, formerly Panis. She signed a massive contract with Dynamic Discs last year, and then went on to have what can only be described as an underwhelming season. She showed promise out the gate with a huge win in Waco, but then just seemed to fizzle out. My personal belief is that she was under tremendous pressure, not just in disc golf, but in her personal life. She got married in 2022, and that probably took a lot of focus away from her game. Now she’s Mrs. Montgomery and has that big wife energy! I expect she’ll prove to the world this year that she is in fact worthy of such a contract and will shock the world with at least two big wins this year. She will also surpass 75k followers on Instagram.

Still with me? This is fun! Let me wrap up with some crazy out there, completely random, and most likely impossible predictions. I think Nate Perkins will win a pro tour event this year. I think Brodie Smith will finish in the top ten in tour points this year. I think Page Pierce will defeat Kristin Tattar at the USWDGC this year, in a playoff. I think Eveliina Salonen will double her C1x percentage this year. I think Paul McBeth will sweep his European leg of his touring season. I think Eagle McMahon will ace on tour throwing lefty. I think Jeff Spring will run for President of the United States! And finally, in my most bold prediction of the year, I think Gatekeeper Media will sponsor me and take me with them to Australia for this year’s championships!

Whew, I might have gotten a bit carried away there! What are some of your wildest predictions for the 2023 season? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading, I look forward to another fun year here on the blog. Cheers, and Happy New Year!


Veterans for Vets


Player Profile: Derek Scull