Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 21: Gaining Extension With Your Putt

Day 21! This is going to be a little bit like day 8, in that we’re going to find some creative ways to putt. But instead of finding obstacles that MAKE you putt high, or low, or through a gap, today let’s focus on obstacles that make you get extension to the left or the right. It’s fairly common–say, once or twice a round–that simply taking a straddle doesn’t elicit enough separation from a target. My experience is that taking a knee in either direction allows for a little bit more horizontal stretch, as well as helping to stabilize my base.

  1. So grab a stack of putters and find a basket you can putt on that has some trees inside the circle. Set up a lie that requires you to get down on a knee. Get a reasonably comfortable stance and close your eyes. This will help you to find your balance. Focus on your hips and core–even though you can’t push with your legs, those are still the big muscles that help generate power.

  2. You’ll probably find as you do this that kneeling away from your throwing arm is a little more challenging. Be sure to practice both sides equally, because you don’t get to pick your lie when you’re on the course.

  3. My goal when doing this is to understand how much pop I can get from my lower body, and let my arm swing naturally. In order to compensate for the loss of power from my legs, I’ll usually either spin more with my arm, or commit to a loftier putt.

  4. You “win” the game when you begin to understand the distribution of power between your upper and lower body, and can comfortably and confidently take putts from unusual stances.

Written By Andrew Fish, PDGA 58320

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @fish58320 

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Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 22: Play Your Casual Round Slow Like A Tournament


Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 20: Explore Different Paces Of Putting