Looking back (and forward) on Worlds

There are certain events that happen in life that leave an indelible memory in your mind. The birth of your child or the day of your marriage are probably some of the most common. But for us, there is one moment that many may never even know about, and that is the ‘Holy Shot’ from last year’s championships. I remember that I was in the Denver International Airport, waiting for my delayed flight, sitting at a bar, with headphones on, when it happened. I jumped up and screamed, and nobody knew why.

What started out as a lackluster event riddled with complaints from players about ambiguous OB lines, and an inadequate warm up area, it seemed that World’s in Utah was going to be a bust. But then in short order, we saw both five-time champs see their world title dreams slip away. It is important to understand the impact of that event on the game, and how it all fits into the history of disc golf. Lucky for you there is a great documentary about it on the Disc Golf Network right now.

What’s insane about ‘the shot’ is that just a few hours prior, history was being made on the FPO side. The battle between Paige, Catrina, and Lisa came down to the wire, and the way hole 18 finished left the crowd stunned and found that coveted 6th title slipping through Paige’s hands. In epic fashion, Katrina was crowned the champ, and it felt like redemption for this event. It’s important to recognize that this too helped cement disc golf into the mainstream, and the subsequent explosion of growth on the women’s side is proof positive of this effect.

Well, it’s been a year, can you believe it? And now the PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships is back! This week is an exciting time, not just for the many pros, but the thousands of fans worldwide. Disc golf just keeps getting better, and this year’s coverage will show how much our sport has grown. What story lines will emerge this year to rival the ‘Holy Shot’? We’ll just have to watch to find out.

I want to speak about the DGN, or the Disc Golf Network. It was a fledgling idea that has rapidly grown into a very powerful force in the sport, the DGN live coverage just keeps getting better. It reminds me of way back in the 80s, when some crazy person thought up the idea of having a network strictly dedicated to broadcasting sports, twenty-four hours a day. The idea was met with doubt and disdain and most people said it would never work. Now ESPN is one of the biggest and most successful networks on the planet. The Disc Golf Network keeps raising the bar, and you can expect to see the best live coverage yet. The reason ‘the shot’ was so exciting last year is because we all got to watch it live, in real time, and nothing compares to that ‘in the moment’ feeling. It’s why we love live sports so much, and it’s why you must watch this year’s Worlds live. I understand that many still prefer post-produced coverage. There is a certain quality about it, a much more polished and focused production. But there’s nothing like watching disc golf in real time.

The competition is the most closely contested we’ve ever had, in both divisions. Of course, there are the favorites, but the truth is that any player can win it all this week. It’s a long week, so it can be anyone of the pros that find the winner’s circle on Sunday.

On the ladies’ side, competition is just as fierce. So many story lines it’s hard to keep track. Imagine if Juliana Korver can put together her most epic win to date. Or if Paige Pierce can finally get that coveted 6th title. Or if one of the newer players makes a run for the championship. Ricciotti, Mandujano, Oliva, Velediaz? All contenders. I’m no psychic, but if I was a betting man, I’m putting my money on Paige, her desire to be the best is going to be tough to beat this year.

On the men’s side it is truly anyone’s to win. The level of competition has skyrocketed in the last 2 years. There’s an entire wave of youthful, thirsty, and talented players that have shown they have what it takes to win. I’m not even going to try and predict what will happen. I do know that Paul McBeth will be in the hunt no matter what.

The courses. Yes, we’ve been to Emporia once this year, and some will complain that the courses are ‘too boring’ for this event, but they are wrong. The courses are tough and will present plenty of challenge, but the other reason Emporia is a perfect fit is because of the deep infrastructure in place there. Dynamic Discs lives there, and disc golf pulses through the veins of that town. It is equally important to have infrastructure in place to handle the huge crowds coming out to witness the action, and Emporia’s many years of experience with the Glass Blown Open, now the Dynamic Discs Open, have proven they can handle the largest events smoothly.

I for one am very excited to experience world’s this year, and I can’t wait to see who comes out on top.  


Course Spotlight: Silver Lochs at the Tim Osmund Sports Complex, Antioch


My weekend in Des Moines