Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 30: You Should Play A One Disc Round

Day 30! Let’s do an old classic, a one-disc round. You can bring a putter too, but you’re only allowed to use it when you’re actually putting to make, not just laying up. I recommend using a fairly neutral mid-range like a Comet, Buzzz, or your preferred manufacturer’s equivalent, but you could also do it with a fairway driver depending on the course. Tee off with it on every hole, throw it for every upshot. Make it work. The reason to do this is to really dial in one disc–so if you have a tournament coming up where you know you’ll be throwing one mold on several holes, this is a great way to get real reps on the course with that disc. I know that sometimes I end up pretty shocked at how well I can shoot with just one disc instead of my whole bag. You “win” the game when you can take a disc that hasn't been cooperating with you, and turn it into a reliable workhorse.

Written By Andrew Fish, PDGA 58320

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @fish58320 

Support Fish and get 10% off Upper Park Disc Golf products using code “Andrew10”, or contact him directly through Instagram, Twitter, or website to purchase discs that help fund his travel and events.

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Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 31: Continue Leveling Up Your Game


Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 29: Learn To Throw Backhand Rollers