Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 31: Continue Leveling Up Your Game

Day 31! Alas, today is the final day of Gatekeeper’s New Year’s Resolutions series. Let’s go back to what we did on January 1st. At that time we wrote down:

  1. Three things you do well in disc golf.

  2. Three things you want to improve, and know how to improve.

  3. Three things you want to improve, but don’t yet know how to improve.

  4. I will warm up properly every time I play.

  5. From what we worked on this month, what drills worked for you? What drills didn’t work for you? What skills could you see develop for yourself? How can you apply this to the rest of the year in your training and rounds? We called this Gatekeeper’s New Year’s Resolutions for a reason–to have a daily activity that gets us thinking and moving… so keep up the momentum and even if you only have a few minutes each day, put it to good use to getting better at disc golf. For Gatekeeper Media, I’m Andrew Fish.

Written By Andrew Fish, PDGA 58320

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @fish58320 

Support Fish and get 10% off Upper Park Disc Golf products using code “Andrew10”, or contact him directly through Instagram, Twitter, or website to purchase discs that help fund his travel and events.

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Discovering Disc Golf History In Philadelphia


Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 30: You Should Play A One Disc Round