Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 6: Focus on the MIDDLE of Your Disc's Flight

Day 6! The last two days have been about thinking of your throw based on where the disc will START or FINISH. Now let’s advance the concept to somewhere in the MIDDLE of your throw. I recommend finding a field with a field goal or a light pole near it that you can use as an aiming point. Set up so that you’re a throwable distance away from that object, where you should be able to pick whether your shot will pass in front of or behind it.

  1. First let’s throw some shots that break in front of this pole. For this drill, I don’t really care about where the disc starts or finishes, I only care about the part of the flight where I want to test getting the disc as close to the front-side of the pole as possible.

  2. Next, same concept, but we want to test the back of the pole. Again, I only care about the one second of flight as it’s getting there.

  3. You can make this harder by throwing different discs--say, a flippy disc on a hyzer, or a stable disc on an anhyzer to make the break more complicated. Turnover shots can be very delicate, so if you understand how to make that break at a point in space it’s a huge victory for precision.

  4. You “win” the game when you can envision the full flight of the disc, figure out what action it needs to have at an intermediate point, and reduce your focus purely on the little increment of flight when the disc is getting to your aiming point.

Written By Andrew Fish, PDGA 58320

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @fish58320 

Support Fish and get 10% off Upper Park Disc Golf products using code “Andrew10”, or contact him directly through Instagram, Twitter, or website to purchase discs that help fund his travel and events.

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Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 7: Approach Landing Zones You Can't See


Gatekeeper Resolutions Day 5: STARTING Your Disc at Particular Aim Points