My weekend at the Sparkle Open

I’ve talked about it before; the women’s side of disc golf is exploding. Sure, we can say that most of that growth came in the last two years, but that doesn’t really explain it. No, the reason it has grown as much as it has is because of the efforts of women around the country who have put in blood, sweat and tears long before any pandemic. There are too many to mention in total here, but I do want to point out Jenny San Filippo, owner of Ladies First Disc Golf and Tournament Director for some of Wisconsin’s biggest ladies’ events. You may recall I wrote about the ‘Wisco Disco’ during the summer ‘Midwest Invasion’. But there is another event that brings huge turnouts and tons of fun: the Sparkle Open.

This event has been going strong since its inception in 2017. Held each October at Estabrook Park in Milwaukee, WI, the event is a wonderful and unique experience. First, players are encouraged to dress in costume, and these women do not disappoint! Just about everybody participates, and every year we see tons of sparkly onesies and other clever creations. Second, the energy, like many women’s events, is palpable. It much more feels like a reunion than a tournament. Every year ladies from all over the country come together to play this event. And finally, the event itself, like all of Jenny’s tournaments, runs like a well-oiled machine.

If you read my blog earlier this week, you already know about Estabrook Park, and the oldest Beer Garden located there. The course is a wonderful layout, and with the baskets in the short positions for this event, the women have plenty of opportunity to attack and score. One of the few courses with no elevation but with plenty of challenge. But you didn’t come here to read about the course, let’s talk about the sparkle!

It's the hard work and dedication to events like this that really drive the growth of the sport, and in a healthy way. The organic approach that Jenny brings to her events is what helps create a memorable and indelible experience that brings players back again and again each year. Add to that the word-of-mouth promotion throughout the year and you have new players showing up for the next one. This formula of well organized, passionate, and truly fun events is a perfect recipe for growth. I think many of the ‘men’s’ events can learn from what Jenny and so many other women are doing.

Even though I don’t get to play in events like this, I feel that it is important to attend and support because every single time I learn something new. I remember that the whole reason we play this game is because it is fun! Sometimes as men (and maybe women too) we allow ourselves to get caught up in the competition and we lose sight of the passion. What I feel most at women’s events is a sense of camaraderie and support. Yes, the competition is real and fierce, but so is the love and bonding. It really is hard to put into words, so I’ll just say this: go to a ladies’ event and see for yourself!

I didn’t reach out to Jenny or any other staff for this blog, I just wanted to speak about my own experience and share it with you. It is because of the work that Jenny, Amy, Sheila, and so many others put into this sport that my wife and I have been inspired to host our own event, and I can only hope that we can do at least half as good as they do. Thank you, ladies, for growing the sport, and for putting on some of the best events I’ve ever attended. You can count on seeing me again.


Gatekeeper Goes Down Under!


Course Spotlight: Estabrook Park